Wednesday, May 20, 2020

7 Keys to Successfully Parenting Toddlers - Classy Career Girl

7 Keys to Successfully Parenting Toddlers We are all busy with work, schedules, and various activities, but we all know that our kids come first. They are our priority and flipped our worlds upside down when we first learned that they were going to be making their grand entrance to the world in 9 months. The baby years were tough but as we get into the toddler years, things change and the more knowledge you can gain about becoming successful parents, the better. How you act, what you say and what you do is important. Our children are watching us. We are modeling for them. So, lets teach our children young to grow into the leaders we know that they can be someday. 7 Keys to Successfully Parenting Toddlers 1. Successful Parents Practice Discipline Daily. This is the time to make adjustments and necessary changes because this phase of the child is the foundation stage. So just imagine yourself as an architect and your kid as a building; once the foundation is set, you are ready to go! When it comes to discipline, you have to pick your battles and you dont want to constantly be saying no. You have to be consistent, know your childs triggers and dont get too emotional. 2. Successful Parents Dont Compare. Don’t compare yourself with others and don’t compare your children with others. This can impact their self-esteem and will make them feel resentful. The truth is that all children are different and we should celebrate the uniqueness of our children instead of trying to get them to be like other kids. 3. Successful Parents Put Love First Always. It’s much more important to love your kids than to finish math homework or any other activity.  Just remember always who they are and how grateful you are to be a parent. There are tough moments, we know. But as you hear again and again, the days are long but the years are fast. It goes by quickly and soon they will be teenagers applying to college. Love is always more important than the unclean room or making it on time to lacrosse practice. There are also many different ways to get things done instead of shouting or getting mad. 4. Successful Parents Release Control. Don’t control the environment by controlling your kid.  It is okay to stay close and look after them, however, it’s way better to stay a little back to provide them a safe place but don’t hover around them. Give them room to explore. Youll find that they come back to you pretty quickly if you are in a safe environment. 5. Successful Parents Practice Playful Learning. Small children like to play a lot and the most common thing youll be introduced to is their constant toddler mood swings. If you are aware that this happens a lot with your toddler while reading or learning, try changing the method of education into a playful learning experience. Children can learn even while they are playing. Yes, there are plenty of pre-schools now such as kids Kemp, kidzee, playschool and others where they  experience playful learning and enjoy play with other kids as well. This makes the job of teaching them easier and reduces their mental pressure. 6. Successful Parents Teach Children How to Do Household Chores. Kids are full of surprises and sometimes they may not think even once to ask if they can help you. Other kids love to help. In any case, give your  child a chance to help you by listing a few responsibilities and act as a role model of how it gets done. Always remember that if they mess things up, then they can make it right too. With time, as they get older, try to increase their involvement in more household chores. 7. Successful Parents Say No to Schedules and Yes to Routines. Having a routine will give your toddler a sense of punctuality and responsibility. If they attend a pre-school or certain activity a few days a week, make sure you stick to a similar routine on the weekends and days off so they dont get confused. For instance, try to have the same nap routine on a daily basis as well as nighttime routine so your child knows what to expect. This will reduce the mood swings and common characteristics you may have heard about those terrible twos. I hope these ideas give you a different opinion about how important home education is for kids apart from schools and tutoring. It is an ongoing and never-ending process of living out the decision to educate at home as a parent. Always be patient and calm as every mother has to go through this phase in her life. This  journey to become a successful parent may not be very pleasant and may not sound good at the beginning as it can be a bumpy ride for some. But, life is a journey and so hold on tight and enjoy! Related Post: 4 Ways to Overcome Motherhood Penalty

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